Vegan Recipes | Not That Kind of Vegan

Cultured Oat Cheddar Cheese

Cultured oat cheddar cheese is a vegan cheese made mainly from oats. It’s called “cultured” because it’s made using fermentation with live bacteria. This fermentation helps give the...

Gluten Free Black Rice Bread

Gluten-free black rice bread is a special kind of bread made without gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Instead of using regular wheat flour, this bread is made mainly with black rice flour...

Vegan Mozzarella Block

Looking for an affordable vegan cheese option reminiscent of traditional dairy mozzarella? Try this vegan mozzarella block – a delectable non-dairy cheese with a low-fat profile that genuinely embodies...

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Vegan Kimchi

I am on a fermentation tear! I love kimchi, but it’s hard to find a vegan version in grocery stores and restaurants. Most use fish sauce and sugar, and I wanted to try to recreate a vegan version of my favorite...

Gluten-Free Sugar Cookies

We’re here to let Santa know we’ve baked his damn cookies and are ready for our presents. But seriously, we actually baked them all, then ate them, but would still like our presents. I’ve had a tough time finding a...

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